{{ mod_strings.LBL_WELCOME }}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_PRE_INSTALL_REQ }}
{% if errorsFound == true or warningsFound == true %}
{% endif %} {% if errorsFound == false %}
{% endif %}

{% set extraErrors = [] %} {% set extraWarnings = [] %}
{% for system_check in systemChecks|slice(0,1) %}
{% for check in system_check.checks %}
{% if check.errors and check.errors is not empty %} {{ mod_strings.LBL_ERROR }} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings and check.warnings is not empty %} {{ mod_strings.LBL_WARNING }} {% endif %} {% if check.errors is empty %} {% if check.result is iterable %} {% for resultArray in check.result %} {{ resultArray }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{ check.result }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if check.errors and check.errors is not empty %} {% if check.errors|length >= 2 %} {% set extraErrors = check.errors %} {% endif %} {% if check.errors|length < 2 %} {% for error in check.errors %} {% if error|length > 200 %} {% set extraErrors = extraErrors|merge([error]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if extraErrors is empty %} {% for error in check.errors %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {% set extraErrors = check.errors %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings and check.warnings is not empty %} {% if check.warnings|length >= 2 %} {% set extraWarnings = check.warnings %} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings|length < 2 %} {% for warning in check.warnings %} {% if warning|length > 200 %} {% set extraWarnings = extraWarnings|merge([warning]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if extraWarnings is empty %} {% for warning in check.warnings %}
{{ warning }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {% set extraWarnings = check.warning %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if extraErrors and extraErrors is not empty %}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_ERROR_DETAILS }}
{% for error in extraErrors %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %}
{% set extraErrors = [] %} {% endif %} {% if extraWarnings and extraWarnings is not empty %}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_WARNING_DETAILS }}
{% for warning in extraWarnings %}
{{ warning }}
{% endfor %}
{% set extraWarnings = [] %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for system_check in systemChecks|slice(1,3) %}
{% for check in system_check.checks %}
{% if check.errors and check.errors is not empty %} {{ mod_strings.LBL_ERROR }} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings and check.warnings is not empty %} {{ mod_strings.LBL_WARNING }} {% endif %} {% if check.errors is empty %} {% if check.result is iterable %} {% for resultArray in check.result %} {{ resultArray }} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{ check.result }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if check.errors and check.errors is not empty %} {% if check.errors|length >= 2 %} {% set extraErrors = check.errors %} {% endif %} {% if check.errors|length < 2 %} {% for error in check.errors %} {% if error|length > 200 %} {% set extraErrors = extraErrors|merge([error]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if extraErrors is empty %} {% for error in check.errors %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {% set extraErrors = check.errors %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings and check.warnings is not empty %} {% if check.warnings|length >= 2 %} {% set extraWarnings = check.warnings %} {% endif %} {% if check.warnings|length < 2 %} {% for warning in check.warnings %} {% if warning|length > 200 %} {% set extraWarnings = extraWarnings|merge([warning]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if extraWarnings is empty %} {% for warning in check.warnings %}
{{ warning }}
{% endfor %} {% else %} {% set extraWarnings = check.warning %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if extraErrors and extraErrors is not empty %}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_ERROR_DETAILS }}
{% for error in extraErrors %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %}
{% set extraErrors = [] %} {% endif %} {% if extraWarnings and extraWarnings is not empty %}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_WARNING_DETAILS }}
{% for warning in extraWarnings %}
{{ warning }}
{% endfor %}
{% set extraWarnings = [] %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ mod_strings.LBL_CRON_INSTRUCTIONS_1 }}
sudo crontab -e -u www-data
{{ mod_strings.LBL_CRON_INSTRUCTIONS_2 }}
*    *     *    *     *     cd {{ path }}/legacy; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
{{ mod_strings.LBL_CRON_INSTRUCTIONS_3 }}